Egg Nog Crème Brûlée

Egg Nog Crème Brûlée

Egg nog is one of those heavenly things. And by golly, so is crème brûlée. I recently had a brain explosion when I realized you can put the ...
Poutine, mon amour

Poutine, mon amour

Hellooooo out there. My apologies for the long absence. I've been busy working on my thesis film about genetically engineered foods and ...
Salted Pumpkin Caramels

Salted Pumpkin Caramels

Here's something you won't see too often on this blog: a candy recipe. But I am completely smitten with these chewy caramels that t...
Rye Berry Salad

Rye Berry Salad

This summer I fell in love with a field of rye. As you can see in the video, on golden summer evenings when the sun would hit it a certain ...